Kaplan Spain
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Home: Enforex Madrid

Enforex Madrid Price List

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GMAT - CAT (Group course)
GMAT – CAT (Summer group)
(books included)
8 sessions, 3 hours each (24 hours)
16 sessions, 2 hours each (32 hours)
650 Euros
750 Euros
GMAT - private classes
(*books included only in 30 hour package)
30 hours*
20 hours
15 hours
10 hours
Per hour
1.400 Euros
1.000 Euros
850 Euros
600 Euros
65 Euros
TOEFL (Group course )
TOEFL (Summer group)
(books included)
12 sessions, 3 hours each (36 hours)
16 sessions, 2 hours each (32 hours)
500 Euros
450 Euros
TOEFL - private classes
(*books included only in 30 hour package)
30 hours*
20 hours
15 hours
10 hours
Per hour
1.300 Euros
900 Euros
750 Euros
500 Euros
55 Euros
GRE - private classes
(does not include price of study materials)
30 hours
20 hours
15 hours
10 hours
Per hour
1.400 Euros
1.000 Euros
850 Euros
600 Euros
65 Euros
SAT - private classes
(does not include price of study materials)
30 hours
20 hours
15 hours
10 hours
Per hour
1.400 Euros
1.000 Euros
850 Euros
600 Euros
65 Euros
  • TOEFL book price – 60€(Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test - Longman)
  • GMAT book price – 40€(Official Guide - 12th Edition Review, 40€ Verbal and Maths Review)
  • SAT book price – 40€ (Official SAT – Study Guide – 2005)
Enforex Madrid
C/ Baltasar Gracián, 4
28015 Madrid
(semiesquina Alberto Aguilera, 21 - ICADE)
Tel: (91) 547 48 52
Fax: (91) 594 51 59
E-Mail: madrid@enforex.es

Enforex Madrid - Center for International Studies. Discover our worldwide language programs!

www.enfolang.com- Language Programs Abroad
www.enforex.com - Spanish language programs in Spain and Latin America
www.enforex.es - Language Courses in Spain
www.enfocamp.com- International Summer Camps in Spain for Spanish and international students (5 to 18 years old)